vendredi 6 septembre 2019

The 4 Week Diet

Hey everyone,
 I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about my experience with The 4 Week Diet. This stuff really works! I’m down 11 pounds. Since having twins last year, I’ve really struggled to get back to my pre‐baby body and to be honest, it’s been a real drag. I’ve felt sluggish, depressed, completely un‐sexy and my relationship with my husband has suffered. When you’re stuck at home with two newborns, it’s pretty hard to find time for healthy eating let alone any form of exercise, and I’d pretty much resigned myself to being a size 16 for the rest of my life. When my sister sent me the link to The 4 Week Diet, I gotta say, I was a little skeptical. My junk mail is always being flooded with so-called “miracle diets” and scammy products that demand a heap of money up front. However, when I was told the story about Brian Fatt and her amazing journey being a mom, I gotta say, I felt like I related. Not only that, the background story of the secret The 4 Week Diet really piqued my interest, and I was desperate to know more. Well, I can say I’m so glad I signed up! Not only is the story fascinating, but the tea really works.

Would you be interested in learning more?

This weight loss system will supposedly tap your four hormones and make them team up for better weight loss. These hormones include ghrelin, insulin, cortisol, and adiponectin.
You will also receive an Activity Handbook which will give you a really simple, quick and easy workout routine that you can follow at home. The exercises are only 15 minutes, but they are intense and designed to burn as much fat as possible during that time.
The 4 Week Diet is composed of four handbooks, and each offers specific ways to control these hormones. Below is a short description of each of these handbooks:

The science behind weight loss and weight gain
How specific metabolic-killers make your metabolism sluggish and block your ability to shed the unwanted fat
How to shed stubborn body fat
Straightforward instructions on how to eat, so you can force your four hormones to work together
Clear and detailed explanation on how your body stores and releases fat, allowing you to stop future fat-storage problems
A practical workout routine that Brian specifically created for busy people
15-minute, intense workouts that you could do anywhere
Brian’s best exercise for flattening and toning your stomach

Suitable for Most People
We believe that The 4 Week Diet would benefit many people, providing that they don’t have serious health issues. This diet plan is best for individuals who want:
To lose weight up to 32 pounds within 28 to 31 days
To trim up to 8 inches from their waists
To jumpstart their long-term weight loss goals
It Doesn’t Take a Lot of Time
 The program also comes with a weight loss hypnosis audio. Apparently, if you listen to the audio you will reduce your food cravings and feel more motivated to choose nutritious choices.
The system also includes four handbooks:
The Launch Handbook, which shows you how to eat in a way that forces your 4 hormones to work together with tasty foods you’ll love to eat, so you will never have to feel hungry or deprived.

The Diet Handbook, where you’ll learn how to calculate your lean body mass, and your current body fat percentages so you can quickly and easily customize The 4 Week Diet specifically for your body type to maximize your fat loss.  You’ll get a breakdown of what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat, so your body works with your 4 fat storing and fat burning hormones to burn more fat all day and night long.

The Activity Handbook, which gives you the quick and easy exercises that force your body to release even more stubborn, stored body fats into fatty acids so these fats are quickly burned as fuel.

The Motivation Handbook, which contains a treasure trove of tips, tricks, tools, and secrets for losing weight, and for keeping it off. You’ll receive quick and easy to do tips for staying motivated, reaching your weight loss goals now, and maintaining your new body for life, and whenever you need inspiration

You can learn much more about the diet and how it specifically helps you control your hormones so that you can lose 24-32 pounds in just four weeks by visiting (insert link).
You only need about 15 minutes daily to perform the exercises Brian Flatt teaches in The 4 Week Diet. You already have a meal plan that you could follow, so you don’t have to take too much time thinking what healthy and fat-burning meals to prepare.
Honestly, if you don’t have time for this, you would have a hard time following other weight loss plans.
It Seems to be Effective

Keep your expectations realistic, though. The 4 Week Diet is not a magic pill, and it doesn’t guarantee a 100% success rate. It won’t transform your body overnight or in just a few days. Well, that’s everything we believe you need to know about Brian Flatt’s 4 Week Diet course. We hope we provided you with enough information to help you decide whether this will benefit you or not.

We wish you all the best!

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